Road Trauma Support Tasmania Inc. is a statewide counselling service that specialises in trauma and grief counselling. Our counselling service is one of help and support for those who have been involved in a road crash or affected by a road crash. Our services are free and confidential.
Traumatic events may range from an immediate mild stress reaction, through to a moderate stress state. During this time, normal coping mechanisms are temporarily impaired. Some cases may result in a crippling post traumatic state.
Grief can affect every aspect of a person’s being, and at times can be so intense that it can feel overwhelming. For a person to experience grief it is not necessary for a death to have occurred, since there are many forms of loss.

Road Trauma Support Tasmania Inc. provides a free confidential, caring, and supportive counselling service.
Our counsellor(s) will listen, support and assist you in your time of need. You may either speak with a counsellor by phone, contact them via sms, or make an appointment (by phone or email) to speak to a counsellor in person.

The privacy of our callers is very important to us.
Your name and personal details are strictly confidential, and will not be passed onto any parties without your written consent.
Our professional counsellors have a deep understanding of your concerns and needs and adhere to a strict code, allowing you to feel at peace, further helping in your vital healing process.

If you would like to be contacted regarding our services, please complete this form.